About Our Meals
At Fresh Start we believe that providing your child with a healthy ‘home-cooked’ meal during the school day is essential. Our meals are freshly prepared in your school kitchen every day. We offer 4 different meal options including, unlimited salad cart, hand-made bread, a main pudding or fresh fruit and yoghurt. Our menus work on a 3 weekly rotation and all our meals comply to the school food standard.
The benefits of a wholesome school meal is at the forefront of the news at the moment and with the governments backing for Free School Meals for all Key Stage 1 children it’s easier than ever for your child to enjoy a healthy school meal.
What do we mean by ‘home-cooked’?
When we say home-cooked we mean that we cook everything from raw ingredients. For example, we make our pizza bases using flour, oil, a bit of sugar, a bit of salt and warm water. We don’t mean take a ‘fresh’ ready-made pizza base out of the fridge and add the topping.
We make our own fresh bread, our own pasta sauces, our own puddings (which we even hide fruit and vegetables in! Trust us they love it) the list goes on!
We want to make sure that your children aren’t being filled with artificial colours, preservatives, too many salts, fats or anything bad for their little bodies.
Changing Ways
Concentration and good nutrition isn’t the only reason why a healthy school meal is important. The need to influence the eating habits of our children is well documented. Below are a few facts surrounding unhealthy diet:
- The UK now has the highest rate of obesity in Europe with one in three children overweight or obese by Year 6. Obesity in children under 11 has risen by over 40%in ten years. If this trend continues, half of children will be obese or overweight by 2020. (1)
- Junk food diets are causing other health problems too. For example, type 2 diabetes – once known as ‘late onset’ and traditionally found in the over 40’s – is increasingly found in adolescents (1)
- Childhood obesity and its associated risks are of a global concern, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) classifying it as ‘one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century’. It is associated with conditions such as asthma, musculoskeletal problems, early onset of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors. (2)
- School food matters: why fresh and healthy school meals
- NatCen: Health Survery for England